Isabel in Germany all covered from cold

Olá 👋🏾

I’m Isabel, a software developer from Portugal.

I’m really interested in the Android ecosystem and working with mobile applications. I’m mostly used to programming with Java, Kotlin and Python. I always try to be open to learning new languages and frameworks depending on the need of the project. I thrive to learning about software development best practices and apply them to my work.

I’m passionate about the process of software development, such as the documentation, testing, code reviews, communicating with peers within teams, thinking about solutions to problems, etc. I thrive to learn about software development best practices and apply them to my work, regardless of the technology I’m working with.

I find very interesting participating in projects since its very beginning to end, and seeing it culminate in a final product while contributing in every aspect of it.

🌅 Open Source

In 2018 I was accepted into the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program with Systers Community, in which I proposed Mentorship System project. During this program, I started to really like being involved with Open Source projects and communities. I loved that I got to work on this project from scratch.

At the moment, I’m a maintainer of both backend and android repositories of the Mentorship System. What I’ve been enjoying the most about being a maintainer is to manage the project contributions and, at the same time, help newcomers making their first contribution to open source, while providing a safe environment for them to learn, with the help from the community.

🎓 Education

I’ve graduated from Bachelors (2015) and Masters degree (2018) of Telecommunication and Informatics Engineering at Técnico Lisboa. I’ve developed my Master’s thesis Private Reactive Multipath Communication Middleware at INESC-ID, which combines multipath communication and route monitoring to react to hijacking attacks.

💼 Work

I’m currently working as a Software Developer at Grupo Impresa, a Portuguese group of media products. During my master degree, I’ve worked as an Android developer for 2+ years in a consulting agency, INM. On my third year in college, I interned at a startup, Uniplaces, where I contributed mostly to their web platform.

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